Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Documentary Project (People)


In this project I decided to document random people around Orem, and some places close to Salt Lake;  For example, how they live, where they are from, and what they believe in. I thought about it as a good way to learn about what really makes this place so diverse and full of different opinions.

Leslie an American woman with depression problems, divorced, and left with out any money. She lives  off government assistance since she cannot work because of her physical and mental conditions. (Mormon)

Leslie enjoying her son's visit 

Sitting on porch of her rental house

An Immigrant Family from Mexico, left their country, friends and some family 12 years ago to come to the United States, looking for a better and safer place for them, and their kids.  (Non-Mormon)

The family

Their daughters  

An immigrant family from Vietnam came to United States. They ran away from their country after being in the war, which left them some sad memories. (Non-Mormon)

Hung was shoot by soldiers while she was walking with her friend leaving a scar on her right arm.

Hung with her daughter 

A Mormon American family after church. The two grandparents enjoy sharing good moments with their grandson.

Grandparents and grandson 

Mormon reunion between their sister, mothers, and cousins. All of them are from the United States. They are enjoying their moment together as family.

The family 

After taking these pictures, and talking to some of these families, I realize that even though they have very different stories, cultures, religions and beliefs, they are all looking for the same thing, 'happiness'.

What inspired me to do this project is that I really like people and I love seeing different cultures in them. In addition, having the opportunity to capture that look in each of them is something that amazed me as an artist. Their postures, their clothes, and the expression on their faces are all unique. Because of photography, I can capture those unique moments in people's lives.
I am not a professional photographer, but I am an artist. I look for inspirational moments that complete me, and as long it is beautiful in its own way, I enjoy it and love it. Art is everywhere, and if I can create it I am happy and satisfied with life.

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